NIKOLA TESLA on Mutual Induction & Rotating Magnetic fields for ENERGY

The rotating magnetic field understood at the elementary level is the magnet rotating in space.

In 1824, the French physicist Franรงois Arago formulated the existence of rotating magnetic fields using a rotating copper disk and a needle, termed “Arago's rotations.” English experimenters Charles Babbage and John Herschel found they could induce rotation in Arago's copper disk by spinning a horseshoe magnet under it, with English scientist Michael Faraday later attributing the effect to electromagnetic induction. In 1879, English physicist Walter Baily replaced the horseshoe magnets with four electromagnets and, by manually turning switches on and off, demonstrated a primitive induction motor

Practical application of a rotating magnetic field in an AC motor is generally attributed to two inventors, the Italian physicist and electrical engineer Galileo Ferraris, and the Serbian-American inventor and electrical engineer Nikola Tesla. Tesla claimed in his autobiography that the idea came to him in 1882 when he was walking in a park, drawing it in the sand to illustrate how it worked to a friend. Ferraris wrote about researching the concept and built a working model in 1885. In 1888, Ferraris published his research in a paper to the Royal Academy of Sciences in Turin and Tesla obtained a United States patent (U.S. Patent 0,381,968) for his design.

The coil is subjected to a cyclically varying voltage creating a cyclically rotating magnetic field. It replaces the rotating magnet. This is the beginning of "Rotating magnetic field" on a non-scientific level.

Rotating magnetic field in induction motor is a common technology in today's world

NIKOLA TESLA was the first to experiment with rotating magnetic fields in induction motors. This technology is now common in many industries and applications. Rotating magnetic fields are used to create torque in an induction motor. The speed of the field can be controlled to produce different speeds of rotation. This technology is also used in generators to produce electricity.

The induction motor is one of the most important inventions in the history of electrical engineering. Nikola Tesla's rotating magnetic field was the key to its operation, and the motor was born in parallel with Tesla's AC generator. The induction motor has many advantages over other types of motors, including its simplicity, reliability, and efficiency.

The induction motor works by using a rotating magnetic field to create torque on the rotor, which in turn rotates the shaft. This makes it an ideal motor for use in many industrial applications.

Learm more:  Special application of AC Induction Motor - hidden AC technology - Nikola Tesla's Ether Technology

The rotating magnetic field creates Free Energy - Nikola Tesla's hidden technology

Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.

In 1887, Tesla discovered the rotating magnetic field - the principle behind polyphase AC systems. This discovery led him to develop a successful AC motor by 1888. His work on AC power was instrumental in making it the global standard for electricity generation and distribution.

NIKOLA TESLA on Mutual Induction & Rotating Magnetic fields for ENERGY:

Ken Wheeler, a world-leading expert on Ether theory based on the secrets of magnetism, has revealed that Tesla once mentioned a Free Energy device based on rotating magnetic fields.

According to Wheeler, Tesla believed that this device could tap into the unlimited energy of the Ether and provide free energy for everyone.

Wheeler says that Tesla's device would use rotate magnetic fields to create a self-sustaining reaction that would extract energy from the Ether.

Summary of this hidden AC technology content:

๐ŸŒ€ Nikola Tesla's Ether Technology:
๐Ÿ’  Harnessing the power of back electromagnetic fields (Back EMF)
๐Ÿ’  Back EMF generates Lenz's Force in generator ๐Ÿ’  When the output energy is not affected by the Lenz (free) force, a self-powered mechanism will be established from the AC generator head to the induction motor. And the kinetic energy of the induction motor at that time was only supposed to stir the Ether by Nikola Tesla's "Rotating Magnetic Field". That's the mechanism for a Free Energy AC generator - no fuel needed - Self-powered generator.

AC generator without fuelSimple Energy Hack KILLS Power Bills And Generates Power On Demand

๐Ÿ‘‰ Free Energy AC generator


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