Did you know that you can generate electricity at home for free by making a magnetic power generator? What you might not know is that making one of these generators is easy to do with materials commonly found at your local hardware store. Having your own generator can save you money on your electrical utility bill. They are safe to operate at home, require little maintenance, and are hardly noticeable while they crank out your free electricity. Here I will discuss some of the main benefits of becoming your own power company by generating electricity at home.

Money Savings

The biggest benefit of making a magnetic power generator is that it will either greatly reduce, or eliminate, your electric utility bill. How much money you save depends on how big of a system you intent to build. You can choose to build a smaller system where you supplement your daily power needs. These smaller systems cost less to build and they can save you anywhere from 10% to 50% off your monthly bills. Or you can choose to build a system to replace your daily power needs and be completely energy independent.

Generate Electricity Using DC Motor - Demonstration of Overunity - Free Energy with DC Motor

Reliable and Durable

Magnetic power generators are much more reliable than wind or solar power. These generators are self contained and do not need outside resources to operate. Solar power relies on sunlight or it will not make electricity. If you live in an area where it rains a lot or is foggy much of the time then solar will not be a good option for you. And of course, they do not make any power at night! Wind power requires a steady flow of natural wind or the turbines will not rotate. These winds are completely unreliable and unpredictable and you have no idea how much energy a wind turbine will produce where you live.

Finally, magnetic power generators are safe to operate and extremely durable. Solar panels are fragile and can be damaged, and are susceptible to water damage. Wind turbines can be dangerous and are at times unsafe to operate in high wind conditions. Your solar power generator can operate inside your garage, taking up little space, quietly turning out the free amps of electricity for you.

Isn't it time for you to reduce or eliminate your power bill?

You will find that it is extremely easy to make your own magnetic power generator by following a simple step by step guide: Belt Drive AC generator

To learn more about how you can make free energy and become energy independent visit

🌀 Nikola Tesla's Ether Technology:
💠 Harnessing the power of back electromagnetic fields (Back EMF)
💠 Back EMF generates Lenz's Force in generator 💠 When the output energy is not affected by the Lenz (free) force, a self-powered mechanism will be established from the AC generator head to the induction motor. And the kinetic energy of the induction motor at that time was only supposed to stir the Ether by Nikola Tesla's "Rotating Magnetic Field". That's the mechanism for a Free Energy AC generator - no fuel needed - Self-powered generator.

AC generator without fuelSimple Energy Hack KILLS Power Bills And Generates Power On Demand

 Free Energy AC generator 👆


 According to the first law of dynamics the sum of the forces working on in regular intervals moving body, is equal to zero. However, the body ignores this law and continues movement which is possible only under action of force. To this fundamental contradiction 322 years were executed. We eliminate it. 



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